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Coffee-Mate is a coffee whitener lactose-free creamer manufactured by Nestlé, available in powdered, liquid and concentrated liquid forms. It was introduced in 1961 by Carnation. The original product was introduced in February 1961, followed by Coffee-Mate Lite and Coffee-Mate Liquid in 1989. In the US, where the product is manufactured by Nestlé in Glendale, California, the product is available in liquid, liquid concentrate and powdered forms. American Coffee-Mate comes in over 25 different flavours, including gingerbread, Parisian almond creme, and peppermint mocha. Discontinued varieties include Coffee-Mate Soy and Coffee-Mate Half & Half.

In Europe, it is only available in powder form as a coffee creamer in one or two varieties depending on the country with no added flavours. The European version of Coffee-Mate is manufactured without the use of hydrogenated fat, which is linked to heart disease.

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